Forum ślubne i weselne – pytania i odpowiedzi, dylematy narzeczonych. Dobre rady z pierwszej ręki – miejsce spotkań przyszłych i świeżo upieczonych małżonków
  niedziela, 27 luty 2022
  1 Replies
  695 Visits
I always see that they look at me badly when I come to a crowded place. This is because I have grown a lot and I seem huge to everyone. But I have great proportions.. And I still can't find a match for myself. That's a problem..
około 2 lat temu
Hello! I have to say the obvious. Those people who can be called the standards of society rarely pay attention to the problems of those who stand out from this series. But don't lose hope. There is a place where people like you can choose from a large number of participants, visit website. This dating site has proved to be a good thing for many of my single acquaintances.
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